Colors Magazine

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Colors Magazine


Looking back on the nineties of the 20th century, one cannot overlook the visual style of the clothing company Benetton. In 1991 the company supported a launch of a new magazine named Colors, created by the photographer Oliviero Toscani and the graphic designer Tibor Kalman. It’s content was aimed on social issues of the globalized world and it was one of the first to mention diversity. It has attained it’s international reputation through attractive and communicative design with emphasis on narrative photography and inventive typography. The author of the magazine’s concept, Tibor Kalman(1948-1999) was an american graphic designer of hungarian origin. He is considered an important innovator and a fierce critic of (among other things) design practices of the time, with a strong social activist commitment. Today COLORS is a monothematic quarterly magazine, sold internationally and published in six bilingual editions (English+Italian, French, Spanish, Korean, Chinese and Portuguese). The editorial office of COLORS is located in FABRICA, the Benetton Group communication research centre, and is composed of an international team of young researchers, editors, art directors and photographers. It also includes a network of correspondents who, from every part of the world, work on a permanent basis with the central editorial office. More than 80 covers of the Colors magazine, which has been included among the 50 most influential magazines of all times, will be brought to Bratislava Design Week by the Hungarian Cultural Institute and by Design Terminal(HU). You can see Colors in Pisztory Palace.


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