Flowers for Slovakia: Lost & Found

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Flowers for Slovakia:
Lost & Found


Flowers for Slovakia – a special project for special students – continues in its long-term vision of supporting the practical education of outstanding students of design, currently in cooperation with a well-known Swiss furniture produced Vitra. The audience of Bratislava Design Week will be able to see a unique collection of furniture and interior accessories, formed this year in July on a workshop in Banská Štiavnica. The guiding line in the creative process was combining traditional types of Slovak folk furniture with the unmistakableaesthetics of Vitra products, while both authors and participants of the workshop kept looking for new uses in the „found“ objects.The result is a collection named Lost & Found, presented on Bratislava Design Week at two locations – Solid area in Pisztori Palace, and in the TECHO showroom on Tovarenská st.14, within Parallel area.


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flowers for slovakia


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