Krošlák & Staško

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Krošlák & Staško


The minimalistic trend in design is defined by the well-known phrase “less is more”. Modern design, quality technologies and outstanding upholstery, underlined by colorful contrasts – these are the main characteristics of a new line of fully upholstered furniture made by the Slovakian company KROŠLÁK. One of the first results of cooperation with a recent Red Dot Design Award Michal Staško, is a concept of Linka sofas and swinging chairs Praga.


Krošlák, s.r.o. is a family business established in 1991. It is specialized in manufacturing upholstered couches, beds, sofas, and loungers, but also metal components and metal furniture. The company uses only quality, certified materials. Most of the production is made for export into countries in Western Europe. The company cooperates with architects and interior designers of residential and other objects.


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kroslak stasko foto erik duris


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