Michal Hanula

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Michal Hanula


Designer, lecturer and one of the most eminent representatives of free-style design in Slovakia. Graduate of the Department of Design at the Faculty of Arts, Technical University in Kosice. Since 2005 he is working as a lecturer at the School of Applied Arts in Ruzomberok, teaching Toy making and decorative items. He focuses on solitaire, free-style creations and small series realizations. He is known for his work with wood – he uses traditional crafting procedures, like wet wood lathing, tin pouring, trough making and wire tinkering techniques, he accepts the use of waste wood in his works. He creates dining and interior accessories made from wood, wire, horn, plastics, he makes toys and playgrounds. He is a three times winner of the Main prize of the competition Etudes from Wood. He also received multiple awards in the Rings in Water competition. Together with Lubomir Žila they established a brand Hurhaj, focused on authorial originals for the interior and exterior – furniture, lighting, interior accessories, playgrounds.


[button colour=“grey“ type=“0″ size=“small“ link=“http://www.michalhanula.com/“ target=“_self“]www.michalhanula.com[/button]

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