Norway Way

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Norway Way


The exhibition of contemporary Norwegian design presents three very diversified artists. Product designer from Gridy studio, female design duo She design and the studio of graphic designers Yokoland. It is quite intensive sample from contemporary design in Norway, that is now often enforced within the international competition. Designers from Gridy work with various materials, but now they tend to work with wood more often. Gridy designers prefer simple and functional solutions with a strong personal contribution, so they objects would serve its function but also provoke emotions. Everyday life seems to be their inspiration. In their work also ratio, respect towards material and sense of humor is present. On Bratislava Design Week they will introduce selection of current home accessories. She design studio consists of two young designers Silje Søfting and Eva Marit Tøftum, who studied industrial design, but decided for products too. During the development of a product they attempt for a complex process – they start with defining the problem, research, searching concept, then realization and graphic design. They try to look for the new qualities and functions in the materials. During  Design Week they will introduce the collection of hangers, which are unique in their double function, while keeping the elegant minimalist form. Graphic and design studio Yokoland is respected and internationally recognized. Yokoland focus on print objects – books, magazines, LP covers, CDs, DVDs and posters. They also have several experimental artistic projects – short movies production, music videos, installations and also commercial orders, such as corporate identities or websites. Designers from Yokoland were able to keep some of their childish spontaneity that is why their books for children are so captivating. We are fond of their talent, sense of humor (also sarcasm). For example, the memoirs book that was published in German publishing house Die Gestalten Verlag (2006) is called „ As we go up, we go down“.

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