Industrial Design Studio, AFAD Bratislava

[vc_column_text pb_margin_bottom=“no“ pb_border_bottom=“no“ width=“1/2″ el_position=“first“] Industrial Design Studio / AFAD Bratislava   Students of the Industrial Design atelier at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design under guidance of dr. Ferdinanda Chrenku, akad. soch., will present you with the selection of the newest semestral works created in cooperation with the Slovak representative of the Italian company Artemide. […]

Industrial Design Studio, UTB Zlín

[vc_column_text pb_margin_bottom=“no“ pb_border_bottom=“no“ width=“1/3″ el_position=“first“] Industrial Design Studio, UTB Zlín / Pairs in Squares   Industrial Design Studio presents an exhibitional project in a playful form presenting a collection of students’ products inspired by the “Pexeso” game. The game is a development of a Japanese game entitled “Kai Awase“ which connects two cultures – Czech and […]

Industrial Design Studio, AFAD

[vc_column_text pb_margin_bottom=“no“ pb_border_bottom=“no“ width=“1/2″ el_position=“first“] Industrial Design Studio, AFAD, Bratislava   Food is one of the things that keeps us alive, that’s also why students from Industrial Design Studio worked on their project „Food Design“. The result is a series of varied realisations considering current food problems.   [button colour=“grey“ type=“0″ size=“small“ link=““ target=“_self“][/button] [/vc_column_text] […]

Industrial Design Studio, AFAD in Bratislava

[vc_column_text pb_margin_bottom=“no“ pb_border_bottom=“no“ width=“1/3″ el_position=“first“] Industrial Design Studio, AFAD in Bratislava   Head of Studio: Doc. Ferdinand Chrenka, acad. soch. Assistant: Mgr. art. Eva Vítkovská   Industrial Design Studio focuses on intensive cooperation with specific Slovak and foreign manufacturers and institutions, it had 5 such cooperations in 2014. The project has brought a series of […]