The first IMdF A(u)ction!

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The first IMdF A(u)ction!


The first year of the project In the Midl Design Forum will feature a happening called A(u)ction! on Thursday 19.9. in the Berlinky SNG site. A(u)ction will be aimed on support and introduction of the present Slovakian design. Through the evening, you`ll be able to bid for original design products, made mainly by young Slovakian designers, but also a few pieces from known Slovakian and foreign guests. From next week, names of attending designers and their products will appear on the web and the IMF fan page. You can look forward to products from Katarína Beličkova and Štefan Nosko (MEJD studio), Ondrej Eliáš, Jakub Pollág a Václav Mlynář (Studio Deform), Bernard Gaieras and others. The A(u)ction will begin at 18:00 by opening the products exhibition, and after the auction an opening party will launch the Design Forum. You can buy an admission ticket for the whole IMdF, including Bratislava Design Week 2013 admission, here:


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