Ľubica Mildeová

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Ľubica Mildeová / Body design IV. / Body furniture II.

The Body Furniture II collection refers to the past projects of the Body Design sphere, which were aimed mainly at relations between the user of an object and the object itself – and at analyse of the material culture and the current marketing strategies. A well-known piece of furniture, which is a cabinet, in its modified version with its bottom upgraded, lets the audience interact first-hand and experience the design itself. Four variants of the product symbolise possibilty of choice and adjusting the object for its user’s needs – which only backs up the absurdity of the items‘ function.

[button colour=“grey“ type=“0″ size=“small“ link=“http://lubicamilde.wix.com/design“ target=“_self“]lubicamilde.wix.com/design[/button]

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