crafting plastics! / Design Display Area

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crafting plastics!

The second set by crafting plastics! studio integrates new perspectives of processing natural material – bioplastics. After the first ready-to- wear eyewear collection, cp!s introduces lightning objects, the form of which represents an important outcome of material research in the science laboratories. Over the last 3 years cp!s has been exploring the perceptions of natural plastics through their visual and functional aspects. The resulting product is a material and object in the work-in- progress phase that refer to the fascination of working with technical machinery in conjunction with intuitive craft adjustments. Bioplastic objects rediscover the nature of a chemically modified material from natural resources and question (propose) a model for the new age of plastics.

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Hlavná centrála 2 / Main venue 2

GMB (Mirbachov palác) Druhou centrálou je naša milovaná GMB a priestory stálej zbierky barokového umenia GMB. Tá je situovaná na prvom poschodí v budove Mirbachovho paláca. Súzvuk vzácnych


Hlavná centrála 1 / Main venue 1

OD PRIOR OD Prior na Kamennom námestí. Vystavujúci vybraní z Open Call aj hlavná medzinárodná výstava VZŤAHY v kurátorskej koncepcii Damina Cehlárika obsadia opäť celé 2 poschodie obchodného
