Design Studio ÚĽUV / Parallel Area

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Design Studio ÚĽUV

Chairs from famous Slovak designers ranging from the 1950s to 1980s were brought to life by the students of the Textile Space Studio at AFAD in Bratislava. The original woven upholstery of chairs refer to the period posters, advertisements and popular car Fiat or body details from the Spartakiad. The creative framework of the exhibition is the actual design of chairs coming from the end of 1950s to the beginning of 1980s. Each chair or armchair carries some typical signs of design of its time. The oldest piece of the collection is a František Jirák’s fiberglass chair from 1958. We may also see Viliam Chlebo’s iconic sitting furniture (1978) with a typical bent tubular construction. The whole concept of the project Take a Seat bridges over the present and past, historical design and modern technologies. The design buried in the past turned out to be a fresh source of inspiration and enriching knowledge. It all simply fits, so why don’t you take a seat?

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