Studio EM and Kata Kissoczy

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Studio EM and Kata Kissoczy


The Studio EM and Kata Kissoczy present the works of participants on the symposiums 1-5SEM 2009-2013 – 60 authors from 7 countries (Finland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary). The international art symposium project SEM is a creative interdisciplinary gathering of artists from various fields of visual art – sculptors, jewellers, textile artists, etc. The event takes place in the authentic space of the home and studioof E. Masarovičová, a Slovak sculptor, jeweller and medallist, as an honor to her career achievements. For the duration of Bratislava Design Week, an exposition of works created on SEMsymposiums will be on display in the house, studio, and the garden.


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atelier EM


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