Textile Design Studio, AFAD in Bratislava

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Textil Design Studio, AFAD in Bratislava


Textile Design Studio on AFAD will present a selection from the current students term works and projects. The presented work covers a wide field of use and application of textile design – from project design to copyright design or prototype collections for industrially made interior textiles and clothing. The aim of the presentation is to introduce the concept and operations of the studio in the context of the current discourse on design while presenting this unique creative environment that supports interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration. In their works students reflect current trends in the field of textile design within domestic as well as global context.


[button colour=“grey“ type=“0″ size=“small“ link=“http://www.vsvu.sk/o-nas/katedry/katedra-textilnej-tvorby/atelier-textilneho-dizajnu/“ target=“_self“]vsvu.sk[/button]


Photo: Kristina Sekerová: Aging. Original collections of jackets. Bachelor thesis (2013)

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Kristina Sekerova- Starnutie. Autorská kolekcia sák (2013) bakalarska praca



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