SHOEAST, a Czechoslovakian story

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SHOEAST, a Czechoslovakian story


The Shoeast project, started by the footwear designer Juraj Šuška in 2011, is aimed on mapping and valuating positions in the shoe industry of postwar Czechoslovakia. It draws attention to the times, when millions of shoes were made here, and Partizánske for example, wasn’t just a provincial Slovakian town, but an important spot on the international shoemakers map, along with other big manufacturers and producers of footwear. The project is showing the most important moments in the sector, mainly from the designers view and through the introduction of new technologies, e.g. by trying to identify the authors of individual designs. You will have an opportunity to see a very interesting collection of footwear from the Czechoslovakian production of that time, corralled by Shoeast, on Bratislava Design Week.


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